
Avanzare Innovación Tecnológica

Julio Gómez, CEO and co-founder – Holds PhD in Chemistry and has more than 30 years of experience from laboratory to develop start-up company to be the European leader in high end advanced materials. Julio has published more than 68 scientific papers and 14 independent family of patents. He has received awards, and he was assistant professor in University of La Rioja.

Elvira Villaro Ábalos, R&D manager and CTO – Holds a PhD in Chemistry, focused on 2D nanomaterials and its composites. With more than 10 years of experience in national and international R&D projects, Elvira is coordinating REPOXYBLE. Elvira is co-author in two patents and more than six papers related to composites area.


Aerogel Core

Harry Chu, Senior Research Engineer – With over six years of experience in mechanical engineering research and innovation, he is responsible for designing and conducting experiments, analysing data, and reporting results to support the development of novel aerogel-based products and applications. He also collaborates with academic and industrial partners to leverage their expertise and resources.


Airi – Italian Association for Industrial Research

Andrea Porcari, Project Manager – After a master’s degree in Physics, he worked as researcher in the semiconductor industry, and joined Airi in 2005 contributing to 20+ cooperative projects on Key Enabling Technologies, and responsible innovation practices in industry. He is  member of the OECD-WPMN working group on Safe(R) Innovation Approach (SIA), and worked on sustainable by design and risk governance approaches in the EU Gov4Nano and caLIBRAte projects.

Elena Destro, Technology AnalystAfter the master’s degree in Industrial Biotechnologies, she worked as nanotechnologist in the laboratory of Toxicology and Biocompatibility of Materials of the Chemistry Department in Turin, focusing on the characterization and safety assessment of inorganic nanoparticles. Currently, she is Technology Analyst for Ari.

Olmo Guagnetti, Communication & Dissemination Officer – After a master’s degree in Medieval History and a master in Management of Culture and Artistic Goods, he worked in the Public Engagement field at the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci in Milan following several EU projects and museum’s activities, and now he is Communication & Dissemination Officer for Airi.
Linkedin, Twitter


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)

Florian Part, Senior Scientist – He works in the Department of Water-Atmosphere-Environment, Institute of Waste Management and Circular Economy, which research group focuses on the transport, environmental behaviour, and fate of potentially toxic chemicals and emerging pollutants, such as advanced materials incl. engineered nanomaterials in terms of circular economy and safe- and sustainable-by-design principles.
LinkedIn, ResearchGate

Christoph Olscher, Scientific employee and Ph.D candidate – He is in the Department of Water-Atmosphere-Environment, Institute of Waste Management and Circular Economy. His expertise comes from a master’s degree in ecotoxicology and working with herbicides as well as additional projects in waste management.
LinkedIn, ResearchGate


DAC – Campania Aerospace District

Gennaro Russo, Senior manager Space & Defence – He is presently member of the technical staff of DAC, managing Space and Defense activities. He is member of the International Academy of Astronautics and co-founder and director of the Center for Near Space, of the Italian Institute for the Future, devoted mainly to developments about Expansion of Humanity in Space. In 2013, he co-founded Space Renaissance Italia assuming the role of president up to May 2015.
He co-founded Trans-Tech, an SME devoted to technology transfer and very high-tech projects. He is co-conceiver and project manager of the HYPLANE project.
He worked at CIRA, the Italian Aerospace Research Center, for some 25 years managing almost all space related programs, projects and facilities, mostly devoted to space transportation and reentry.
He led in particular the PRORA-USV program, playing the role of flight director for balloon-dropped trans-supersonic flight tests. He was designer of the 70MW SCIROCCO Plasma Wind Tunnel for duplicating reentry aerothermodynamics conditions.
At the beginning of his career, he worked for about ten years with the Microgravity Research Team led by Luigi G. Napolitano at University of Naples, designing, preparing and analyzing some experiments executed on board the ESA Spacelab.
Author of more than 150 papers presented and/or published at national and international congresses.
ORCID, LinkedIn

Claudio Voto, Senior manager Aeronautics – After graduation in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Naples “Federico II” in 1970, he joined the Engineering Division of Aeritalia (today’s Leonardo Company) while also attending the School of Aerospace Engineering directed at that time by prof. Luigi Broglio, the father of the Italian San Marco project. His technical experience was shaped in the field of innovative material and processes for Aeronautics, advanced composites in particular. He’s been involved alternatively both in the major development programs and research activities of his company in the area of Materials and Structures. He’s served either as speaker or chairperson at several national and international Symposia and Congress on the subject of Aeronautical materials and has contributed to the definition of Material and Structure future developments within the frame of his company’s industrial plans. Today he’s collaborating with DAC as technical responsible of the R&D Area.
Alessandro Mazzucchi, Chief administration officed – Owner and Director of Sixtema Srl with the role of Head of BU Transport (2002). Sole Director of Stratega Scarl (2012). LEAR and Head of Administration of DAC Scarl. He is responsible for the administration of SCIA Scarl. Many years of experience in consulting activities regarding process improvement, organizational redesign and ICT projects for data warehousing, web marketing, budgeting and cost control between medium-small companies and complex organizations. He participated in several large collective and widespread innovation projects, mainly focused on the aerospace industry and transport / logistics industry, with partners such as Universities, Aerospace Companies. Degree in economics of international trade and foreign exchange markets (1998).


Fundación GAIKER

Isabel Rodríguez Llopis, Principal researcher – She works in the Biotechnology Department of GAIKER, and has 33 years of experience as a project manager. Since 2015, she has been working in the field of nanosafety, grouping and risk assessment of nanomaterials and safe and sustainability by design (SSbD).

Leire Barruetabeña, Senior Researcher – She is in the Recycling and Sustainability Area, with 20 years experienced in managing environmental projects supporting the company on designing sustainable processes and products. Wide experience on Life Cycle Assessment (for selection of sustainable materials, clean technologies, and End of Life processes, etc.), has collaborated with the regional government on adapting and promoting life cycle assessment and sustainable design tools.

Alberto Katsumiti, PhD, senior scientist and project manager – He is in the Biotechnology Department in GAIKER, his research activity is mainly focused on Nanotoxicology, Ecotoxicology, Nanosafety, Risk Assessment and Safe and Sustainable by design (SSbD). He has participated in EU projects related to grouping, nanosafety and SSbD.

Amaia García Bilbao, PhD, researcher and project manager – In GAIKER, she has participated in several European projects related to nanomaterials in the search of tools for Risk Assessment and grouping, data mining and quality of data, contributing to the definition of the criteria needed for tools selection and data quality. She is also a GLP study director in toxicology studies for industry.


Gurit UK Ltd.

Paul Spencer, Head of Technology – He studied chemistry at the University of Southampton and has an executive MBA from the Cranfield School of Management. Currently holding the role of Head of Technology for Gurit, Paul has worked in R&D roles for over 20 years developing new composite materials including, adhesives, prepregs, RTM, infusion, coatings and sandwich cores for renewable energy, light-weighting, civil and mass transport markets. Holder of over 12 patent families and 7 publications, and a Black belt in six sigma, Paul has a strong interest in sustainability, responsible for establishing Gurit’s chemical regulatory compliance function and developing its circularity strategy, lowering carbon footprint through the advancement of bio-carbon materials and researching recycling technologies.

Tony Bonser, Senior R&D Technologist – Close to 25 years’ experience in the application, processing and testing of composite materials. Accomplished in the development of epoxy/amine systems leading to industry recognised and award-winning products supplied to the marine, industrial and wind energy sectors. Previous development experience with bio-based materials. Holder of several patents surrounding epoxy adhesives.  Green belt in six sigma, APM PMQ qualified.


Onyriq Labs S.L.

Ainhoa Tolentino, CEO and co-founder – PhD in Polymers and Biopolymers, has coordinated and participated in more than 40 public and private R&D projects. She has extensive experience in research at the UPC University, the Technological Centre Leitat and the company Henkel. Since 2016 she is co-founder and CEO of ONYRIQ, an R&D company in polymeric materials, being responsible for the strategy, team and research lines.

Joseba Luna, CTO and co-founder – MSc. in Applied Chemistry and Polymer materials has wide experience in applied R&D of polymers, including epoxy resins, having worked in chemical companies (e.g. Lubrizol Corporation) and Technological Centers. He has participated in more than 50 public and private R&D projects. He has been co-founder and CTO of ONYRIQ since 2016, where he oversees technology, marketing, and transfer to industry.

Mireia Miró, Scientist – MSc in Industrial Chemistry and Polymers. She has worked in Lubrizol for two years synthesizing and developing new polymeric materials. Since 2023, Mireia works in Onyriq as Scientific within the Circular Economy and Sustainability area.

Daniel Peral, Scientific Coordinator – PhD in Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis, has a wide experience on the development of biphasic homogeneous catalysis for the recycling of transition metal catalysts and on the design and synthesis of polymeric materials for different application. Daniel has worked both in companies (e.g. Lubrizol Corporation, Henkel) and universities (UAB, TU Berlin). Since 2021, Daniel works in Onyriq as Scientific Coordinator within the Circular Economy and Sustainability area.


Riversimple Movement Ltd.

Richard Coltart – He has over 20 years of automotive and new product development experience, and prior to Riversimple spent a decade at Aston Martin in both program management and manufacturing engineering roles. Richard’s background in lightweighting, composites and adhesive joining technologies dates back to early career experience at Lotus. Richard initially joined sustainability-led startup Riversimple in 2014 and managed the Rasa vehicle programme from concept through to delivery of the road and press-ready ‘Alpha’ prototype vehicle. The Riversimple Rasa architecture was designed from the outset around triaxially braided carbon fibre structures and as such Richard has continued to evolve his composites knowledge. Richard is now heading up Riversimples ambitions to scale up sustainably.

Hugo Spowers, Chief engineer and founder – Hugo is an Oxford University trained engineer and entrepreneur. His first business was in motorsport, designing and building racing cars and restoring historic racing cars. He left motorsport for environmental reasons and set up OScar Automotive in 2001 (which became Riversimple in 2007) on the basis that a step change in automotive technology is both essential and possible.
The first fuel cell car to emerge was the LIFECar, developed by a consortium Hugo brought together with the Morgan Motor Company and presented at the Geneva Motorshow in 2008. The small Hyrban technology demonstrator followed in 2009. The prototype of the Riversimple Rasa (the ‘Alpha’) was launched in 2016, followed by a much improved customer-ready version (the ‘Beta’) in 2017/8. Hugo is widely considered a thought leader in the circular economy.

Josh Lomax



Ana Sofia Caires Sousa Branco, Innovation and IPR expert – She is a Technology Physics engineer with complementary training in IPR by WIPO –World Intellectual Property Organization and EPO (European Patent Office). She has been an international Innovation consultant and Technology Transfer expert for more than 20 years, having worked in an energy agency, Large Multinational company and a Research centre.  She has gained a key experience in innovation management and Technology watch within different fields (Energy, ICT, Transport…) assisting different types of stakeholders (Large and Small Enterprises, Universities, Research centres) in their innovation strategic plans and in market up-taking their innovation products.  She has participated in several innovation management and RTD studies in different areas and acquired a well-built expertise in EU policies.

Blanca Araujo Perez, Innovation and Exploitation Manager – She is an Industrial Engineer with more than 15 years of experience. For many years she has worked for a research centre as Head of innovation in the materials and processing technologies, focused on circular economy, advanced composite materials, material development, joining technologies, and material characterization. Now she is an Innovation Manager helping companies to improve their day to day processes with agile management tools, start to innovate with creativity and design thinking, and turn new ideas into successful new projects.


TEMAS Solutions

Blanca Suarez-Merino, Toxicologist – DPhil Oxford Biochemistry, is a trained toxicologist with ample experience in nano inspired products for sectors such as cosmetics, pharma and chemicals. Dr. Suarez-Merino has large experience in innovation management for private companies and project set-up and management both in National and International calls, and is actively engaged at CEN activities (European Standards) T/C352 Nanotechnologies through the Swiss Association for Standardisation (SNV), OECD through the “Safe Innovation Approach project”, European initiatives, and high impact publications in (nano)toxicology journals.

Cyrille Durand, Sustainability lead – With strong international corporate experience in circular and sustainable products & materials, Cyrille has over 20 years of experience in the consumer goods industry: Research & Innovation, Sustainable Design, Manufacturing and Quality. Prior to joining TEMAS Solutions Cyrille was the lead of the Circular Plastics & Packaging project at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Cyrille has a Mechanical Engineer diploma from the Université de Compiegne, France and a Master of Science in Polymers Engineering from Cranfield University, UK.


University of Girona

Josep Costa, Full professor in Materials Science – His research focuses con long fibre reinforced composite materials for structural applications and in damage and fracture related problems. He has published more than 100 papers in indexed journals and is co-author of 6 patents. He was the former president of the Spanish Association of Composite Materials (2013-2017).

Jordi Farjas Silva, Associate professor – in the Department of Physics. His research activity includes nonlinear optics, Materials Science and Thermal Analysis. He has collaborated with the Polymer group at UPC, the FEMAN group at UB, LPICM at Ecole Polytechnique (France), the Department of Materials Science and Biotechnology at Ehime University (Japan), ENEA (Italy), Synchrotron Soleil (France) and the University of Sfax (Tunisia). From the beginning, this activity focused on the use of Thermal Analysis (TA) to analyze material properties, solid-state transformations and solid-phase reactions.  He has published 113 papers in indexed journals accumulating 1774 citations (h-index=24) and 1 patent.
ORCID, Web of Science

Pere Maimí, Associate professor – He works in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Construction. His research focus on the mechanical characterization and simulation of composite materials. He has published more than 70 papers in indexed journals with more than 4000 citations and a h-index=30 (Scopus).

Daniel Sánchez-Rodríguez, Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral fellow – His research, in the Department of Physics, has been focused on the applied field of thermal analysis (TA) and calorimetry. His postdoctoral experience includes more than 5 years in Japanese research centers and universities where he has dealt with topics as diverse as the synthesis of catalysts or the recycling of plastics. He has published 20 papers in indexed journals with more than 250 citations and a h-index=11 (Scopus).

Isabel Bagudanch, Project Manager – She works in the Analysis and Advanced Materials for Structural Design (AMADE) research group and is part time professor in the department of Physics. She has been working on the University of Girona for the last 14 years. She has published 30 papers in indexed journals in the field of advanced manufacturing technologies (additive manufacturing and incremental sheet forming), with more than 600 citations and a h-index=14 (Scopus). She has more than 5 years of experience in managing national and international projects.

Norbert Blanco, Professor – He works at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Construction. His research activity focuses on the numerical modelling and experimental analysis of composites and the characterisation and modelling of additive manufacturing (3D printing) composite materials. He is co-author of 42 scientific articles published in indexed journals with more than 1400 citations, h-index = 20, and co-author of 2 international patents.


University of Ljubljana

Damjana Drobne, Head of the group for nanobiology and nanotoxicology and Professor for (environmental) toxicology and for zoology – Her primary research ai is the assessment of specific interactions of biological systems with nanoparticles on different levels of biological organisation, including interactions of nanoparticles with lipid membranes and the effect of stress on ecological organisms due to the presence of nanomaterials.

Valentina Perc, Team member – Her main research activity is the study of the effects of advanced micro- and nanoplastics on aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Her research focuses on various classical toxicological, molecular and omic methods.

Sara Novak, Researcher – She has expertise in microscopy and sample preparation for spectroscopy (x-ray analyses, PIXE analyses, FTIR analyses)


University of Patras

George Sotiriadis, Senior (post-doctoral) researcher – Dr. Sotiriadis works in the Applied Mechanics Laboratory of the Dpt. of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics of the University of Patras; Dr. Sotiriadis received his PhD in 2009 from the same department. He is the Technical Director of the materials testing division of the AML. This includes both Mechanical Testing (static, dynamic, thermomechanical) and Non-Destructive Testing (UT, AE, IR) of metals, composites, and polymers. Design and manufacturing of various mechanical components, jigs, and test rigs for conducting specialized material or structure testing is a skill that he also possesses after 20 years of experience in the field. He has development knowledge and running experience on Quality Assurance Systems EN ISO/IEC 17020 and 17025.

Ioannis Katsidimas – He holds a master in Computer Science and Technology and got his PhD entitled “IoT systems and wireless power transfer protocols in ad-hoc communication networks” at the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of Patras University, Greece in 2020. Also, he has served as a Researcher at the Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”, Greece. He has participated in several EU, and national Projects as well as direct contracts, both in technical and management roles over Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Energy Management, Algorithmic Design and TinyML technologies.

Thanasis Kotzakolios, Mechanical and Aeronautics Engineer – He has a PhD in “Blast response of aircraft structures” from University of Patras (2011). He has worked as a Researcher at University of Patras, Athena Research Centre and the private sector. He has extensive experience in certification/qualification and compliance with requirements, having participated in more than 16 EU and private projects, having the role of Technical Coordinator in one of the Clean Sky Demonstrators (H2020 GRETEL), being responsible for Preliminary Design Review, Critical Design Review and Test Readiness Review. He has 20 international peer reviewed publications covering simulation and experimental validation of dynamic phenomena (explosions, impacts).

Vassilis Kostopoulos, Professor and faculty member – He works in the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics at the University of Patras, where he’s also director of Applied Mechanics Laboratory. He holds a PhD in continuum mechanics and composite materials. He has 25 years’ experience in the field of composite materials, characterization and modelling. He is the author of 160 journal publications, more than 200 conference presentations and 5 books in the field of composites. He holds 6 patents (3 international, 2 in EU – 1 USA). Vassilis has more than 25-year experience in collaborative European projects having been the Principal Investigator for more than 40 European projects.


University of Southampton

Michele Meo, Professor – His primary research interests are Smart Materials and Structures, Structural Integrity, lightweighting materials and NDT and Structural Health Monitoring of metallic and composite structures. He has published more than 150 journal papers and led various national and international projects.
LinkedIn, Google Scholar